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Childhood immunization

Give your child a healthy start

Immunization is one of the most important things parents can do to protect their children’s health. Today we can protect children from 14 serious diseases. Shots are safe and effective at preventing serious disease. Well Baby and Well Child (or HealthCheck) Visits are the ideal opportunity to receive the appropriate immunizations. Keeping your child on track with these regular doctor's appointments and following the recommended schedule will also help you stay up-to-date on important growth and development milestones.

Well Baby and Well Child Visits

How often should I take my child to the doctor?

  • 2-4 weeks
  • 2 months*
  • 4 months*
  • 6 months*
  • 9 months
  • 12 months*
  • 15 months*
  • 18 months*
  • 24 months
  • 30 months
  • 3 years
  • Every year after for an annual exam

*Vaccinations are recommended at these visits. Talk to your provider about your child’s specific needs.

View this easy-to-read schedule of recommended immunizations for children from birth to 6 years, with descriptions of vaccine-preventable diseases. View the Well Child Visit Tracker.

Childhood immunization schedules

Recommended immunizations for children (birth - 6 years)

View this easy-to-read Childhood Immunization Schedule (PDF) from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to determine the vaccines your child needs.

Catch up immunization scheduler

This tool can be useful for quickly seeing missed or skipped vaccines according to the Recommended Immunization Schedule PDF. (Source: CDC)

Instant childhood immunization schedule

Enter your child’s birthday and create a customized immunization schedule. (Source: CDC)